Millions of iOS users are about to get an update to their Apple smartphones and tablets with the release of iOS 7. However, in order to get all of its systems ready for the software update, Apple has had to make another grand software update. This one is the iTunes 11.1 update.

Although less exciting than the iOS 7 release, the iTunes update nonetheless comes with a bevy of new features for users to get excited about. In addition, it's a required update if you want to sync your deice running iOS 7 with your computer, you'll need the latest version of Apple's music player in order to do it.

According to MacWorld, the most exciting feature of the new iTunes update is the inclusion of iTunes radio, Apple's new music streaming service set to rival the likes of Pandora, which finally makes its Mac debut. Users can browse through Apple's feature stations or create one of their own. Any stations created on a Mac will automatically sync to your iOS device. Users can, of course, curate the playlist to best fit their personal music tastes, anywhere from popular hits to the more obscure ends of the iTunes music library. Also, purchasing a song you like is as easy as clicking the price icon that appears next to each song.

Another new feature coming to iTunes 11.1 is the inclusion of the Genius Shuffle option. To activate simply go to the Controls menu, press Option-Space or hold the Option key and lick the new Genius Shuffle icon in the toolbar. From there iTunes will automatically create a mix of related songs from your library that iTunes thinks you will enjoy.

Not a big music lover? Don't worry, iTunes 11.1 still has something for you. Podcast fans will be happy to know that the services now allows you to sync all of your subscriptions between devices (on iOS they'll sync to the podcast app). There is a new "My Stations" feature which even allows you to queue up episodes of your favorite podcasts and decide which order they'll play in. Now you have access to a talk-radio station of your very own that can play continues hours of content.

iTunes 111 is available for download now from Apple's site and shouel appear shortly in the Mac App Store's Updates menu, according to MacWorld.