After his 1.9 trillion COVID-19 relief package narrowly got approved by the House, US President Joe Biden encouraged that Senate to waste no time in passing the American Rescue Plan.
Biden Urges Senate to Quickly Pass $1.9 Trillion COVID-19 Relief Package
In his statement, Biden also said that he has already spoken with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi regarding the passing of the bill. Biden also stated that now that the bill has been moved in the hands of the Senate, he hopes that there will be quick action. He also emphasized that there is no time to waste regarding the issue.
The president also added that if actions are taken boldly, decisively, and quickly the country can quickly get ahead the pandemic. He also stated that it could be the key to have the economy of the US running again, CBS News reported.
During the house vote on Saturday, Biden's American Rescue Plan was approved with 219-212. Two Democrats, Jared Golden of Maine and Kurt Schrader of Oregon sided with the Republicans and voted against the bill. Meanwhile, all Republicans were united against the bill.
Biden's $1.9 trillion COVID-19 relief package includes the $1,400 stimulus checks for Americans who earn less than $75,000 annually. It also includes a supplemental unemployment bonus of $400 per week, funding to help state and local governments, and money intended for vaccine distribution. Moreover, it also includes a $25 billion emergency rental assistance, and tax credits for low-income workers without children have been expanded.
In addition, the $1.9 trillion COVID-19 relief package also has a provision that raises the federal minimum wage to $15 per hour by the year 2025. The minimum wage provision was included despite the Senate parliamentarian's decision that it cannot increase the federal minimum wage if the budget reconciliation process is used by Congress, GBP reported.
The budget reconciliation maneuver was used by Congressional Democrats so that the bill will only need a simple majority to be passed in the Senate. Amid the ruling by the Senate Parliamentarians, Senate Democrats are now in a rush to finalize a tax provision that aims to penalize large companies and businesses that pay their employees low wages.
Ron Wyden, chair of the Senate Finance Committee is currently working on drafting the bill and is in close consultation with Bernie Sanders, chair of the Senate Budget. The new proposed provision would penalize "very large" companies with 5% payroll tax if they do not pay their workers with certain amounts set by the Senate, The Wall Street Journal reported.
According to Congressional Democrats, they hope that the $19 trillion COVID-19 relief package will be passed to Biden's desk by mid-March. They are also hoping that it would be signed before the critical relief packages that were established by Congress at the end of 2020 expires.
The package is also expected to allocate at least $128 billion in grants in order to aid K12 schools in reopening. There is also a $39 billion allocation for higher education. Despite being disappointed by the parliamentarian's ruling, Biden stated that he respected the decision and simply urged the House and Senate to quickly pass the bill.
Related article : House Passes $1.9T Biden Relief Bill With $1,400 Stimulus Checks