
Clinical Trial Results of Chloroquine Phosphate in COVID-19 Infected Patients

The search for a COVID-19 cure has yielded chloroquine phosphate as a possible anti-viral to combat the dreaded disease. Early clinical trials have shown it can treat COVID-19, but more research is needed to verify.

Sun Yanrong of the China National Center for Biotechnology, has confirmed that chloroquine, used as an anti-malarial medication, showed promise over other drugs.

According to Xinhua, the drug is now in trials used by ten hospitals in the Chinese capital city, Guangdong province, and Hunan province where a cure is needed desperately.

Researchers have determined that the drug had curative effects and 'good' efficacy as an anti-viral.

Patients who were given the anti-malaria drug had a drop on their fever, and better prognosis on lung CTS, requiring a less prolonged recovery period than those not given the drug.

More patients had less viral nucleic acid tests, but also higher with the anti-malaria cure that gave a better result for infected patients.

From 100 patients who were given Chloroquine, there were no negative reactions in the trial run to test the effect of the drug on humans with positive coronavirus infection.

Zhang Xinmin, development head for the China National Center for Biotechnology Development, mentioned that chloroquine is one of a trio of anti-virals with a chance to cure the COVID-19, as reported by the China Daily.

Other drugs in the running are the anti-flu medicine favipiravir and Gilead's developed drug and anti-viral called remdesivir. Both are still under investigation and to see if these drugs can help the symptoms of coronavirus.

In Shenzhen, Favipiravir is undergoing human trials with 70 patients in the Guangdong province. Meanwhile, about 10 medical centers are holding remdesivir trials in Wuhan. Both anti-virals are the quickest hopes to secure a permanent vaccine for the COVID-19 virus.

Sources have commented on the slow progress of remdesivir, all because human trials need COVID-19 patients that are suitable. There a 200 patient from the 700 target patients who were added to the trial after ten days.

Japan to test HIV medication

Yoshihide Suga, Japanese chief cabinet secretary remarked that there will be trials for a drug for HIV medication that will be retrofitted for COVID-19 contagion.

These drugs will take time to develop despite the urgency, and it will not be ready sooner. In China, anti-viral research is already in high gear to end the virus.

Chloroquine phosphate is used for over 70 years, included as part of the 'List of Essential Medicines' by the World Health Organization (WHO). Chloroquine was discovered in 1934 by Hans Andersag, and was initially thought to be dangerous to humans but was found out to be an anti-malaria agent.

Other uses for chloroquine other than malaria, it is to cure amebiasis outside the intestines, rheumatoid arthritis, and lupus erythematosus. Now, scientists attempt to retrofit it as a coronavirus cure.

Clinical trial results of chloroquine phosphaste in coronavirus infected patients shows faster recovery. One test subjct is a 54-year old patient from Beijing, who took the drug for seven days. All negative signs of COVID-19 viral attack turned to negative due to the use chloroquine.

Zhong Nanshan, the Chinese epidemiologist and pulmonologist responsible for uncovering SARS in 2003, agrees that the chloroquine phosphate could be an anti-viral for COVID-19. However, further studies are needed to finalize such findings.

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