The American Kennel Club awarded the Labrador retriever with the title of America's most popular breed for the 25th year in a row. The dogs are extremely friendly and good with kids, athletic and come in three colors (yellow, brown and black), reported Reuters. Labs are absolutely adorable as puppies and just as good when they grow into large, cuddly dogs. They are also energetic and fun-loving, and are not big barkers or biters, as they're smart and trainable.

"The Lab checks all the boxes. It comes in three different colors. Athletic people can play with it, run with it and swim with it. They are family-friendly and get along with others," said Gina DiNardo, vice president of the American Kennel Club, according to Reuters. It's no wonder that they've held the "Most Popular Dog" top spot for the longest time out of any breed.

"The versatile, lovable Lab has firmly planted its paw print in AKC's history," added DiNardo, according to the American Kennel Club's blog.

However, the French bulldog is making its way up the ranks (No. 6), even beating the Lab in big cities like New York where dogs that are more suited to apartment living have gained popularity, reported the American Kennel Club on its blog.

Spots two and three went to German shepherds and Golden retrievers, respectively, according to Time. To see the full list of the top 10 most popular dogs in America, head to the American Kennel Club website. You can also see their previous years' rankings.

We love labradors, but we highly recommend avoiding the breeder and heading to a shelter to get a dog. You'll be saving the life of a dog who needs a second chance at happiness. #AdoptDontShop forever!