Jihadists from the Islamic State have hung two Syrian boys who were caught not fasting during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan.

The boys were executed by the Islamic State militants near the headquarters of Hissba (the group's religious police) in the city of Mayadeen in Syria's Deir Ezzor province on Monday, reported ARA News. Both victims were under the age of 18.

"IS terrorists hanged the two boys in a square in central Mayadeen for eating during Ramadan. The victims remained hanged in the public square until Monday evening. Nobody was allowed to approach their corpses," an eyewitness told ARA News.

The Islamic State terror group, also referred  to as IS/ISIS/ISIL and Daesh in Arabic, attached signs to the children's neck that said, "They broke the fast with no religious justification."

A British-based monitoring group Syrian Observatory for Human Rights confirmed the hanging.

"The children have been suspended by ropes from a pole since noon, and they were still there in the late evening. Apparently, they were caught eating," said Rami Abdel Rahman, director of Observatory, according to AFP.

The Syrian city of Mayadeen, having a population between five to eight million, fell to the Islamic State last year, according to The Telegraph. 

The Islamic terrorist outfit imposes often brutal punishments including public hangings and beheadings for not adhering to their Sharia laws. The group rules over vast territories in Syria and Iraq from Raqqa, the capital of its self-proclaimed Caliphate.

The militants of the Islamic State continue to impose their Islamic rulings not only on Muslims but also on other communities. They are forcing female Yazidi prisoners, who are traded as sex-slaves in their stronghold Raqqa, to fast during Ramadan and offer daily prayers as Muslims, according to Basnews.