(Photo : Nicholas Mathews)

The ability to think faster and make better decisions - that's why business leaders, nonprofit founders, and other high-performing individuals are signing up for Personalized repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (PrTMS), a ground-breaking new treatment that optimizes brainpower.

"Our clients see an increase in focus, short-term and long-term memory, and energy," said Nicholas Mathews, CEO of The Brain Lab, which provides off-label PrTMS therapy. "Treatments can also improve sleep and alleviate anxiety."

PrTMS is a noninvasive technique that personalizes Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS), an FDA-approved intervention that has been trusted for decades. Instead of flooding the brain with magnetic pulses indiscriminately like TMS, however, PrTMS practitioners map patients' brains to identify specific areas that warrant care. They then develop customized treatment plans that target these regions and encourage maximum performance from that particular individual's neocortex.

The Benefits of PrTMS

Being a member of the C-Suite isn't easy. Entrepreneurs and business leaders must continually field thorny problems that only the company's top executives and managers can tackle.

Solving these dilemmas requires more than just quick thinking. To generate effective solutions, these leaders must tap into their creativity and generate insights on a moment's notice. PrTMS delivers the clear mind and focus that enables them to do just that.

"High-powered individuals need to be able to shift gears quickly and go from one problem to the next," Mathews explained. "PrTMS has proven to be effective in enhancing people's ability to compartmentalize professional situations and not get bogged down by something. It affords people the ability to shed emotional responses so they can truly let it go and move on to the next thing."

PrTMS also helps eliminate distractions.

"Our minds can contain a lot of unproductive chatter, like: 'I got in a fight yesterday with so and so, and I'm annoyed about this stress, and I'm trying to shake it off, but I just can't,'" Mathews said. "PrTMS can help you gain control over what you think about."

Clear, uncluttered thinking

According to Mathews, previous clients describe the effect of PrTMS as having their minds "cleaned up." After one patient - an actor - was treated, he discovered a newfound ability to memorize scripts with a single reading.

"He also discussed his ability to tune out everything extraneous in the world and hone in on individual characters because his mind was like a blank sheet of paper," Mathews said. "It wasn't covered in all these doodles. He's gotten some pretty impressive roles recently as a result of his treatments. PrTMS has changed his entire professional life."

Mathews has undergone PrTMS treatments himself, and described them as "super helpful" to him as well.

As for how long these effects last, "It varies from person to person, and it depends on how long they do the treatment," Mathews answered. "Doing the full protocol, which can take anywhere from six to 10 weeks of treatment, solidifies the effects and makes them permanent in the majority of cases. There are some instances in which somebody might need to come back a year later for a quick tune-up, which is basically two or three treatments to get back into line, but overall, we've found the effects to be permanent."

Signs you should consider PrTMS

According to Mathews, people who have intense jobs, work a lot, or need to keep performing even off-hours should consider PrTMS treatments.

"In high-pressure jobs, regardless of how the person handles that pressure, the anxiety and stress accumulate and take their toll over time," Mathews said. "Under those conditions, the mind naturally loses its sharpest edge. Anybody in that sort of situation can benefit from this treatment."

Questions prospective patients should ask themselves include: Am I in a leadership position at my organization? Do I feel pressured? Is my job performance important in most things I do? Do others rely on me for high performance?

If the answer to any of these questions is "yes," then you should consider PrTMS therapy.

"If you're a business leader or other high performer, there's a lot of pressure on every conversation. You always need to be 'on,'" Mathews said. "PrTMS gives you the ability to tap into your 'A' game at the drop of a hat."