(Photo : Fotis Fotopoulos via Unsplash)

Software developers are looking to build faster applications in 2022. According to recent data, demand for software developers doubled in 2021 as the pandemic exacerbated the growing talent shortage. Notably, one of the most in-demand roles was for the full-stack developer. Indeed, many development managers are working to boost employee productivity long-term, making the role more desirable for employees. Simultaneously, this is working to meet the high demand. Importantly, software developers need to know how companies are increasing their development speed. This way, they can prepare for the latest trends and keep your team on track. Read on to learn about how software developers are looking to build faster applications in 2022. 

Setting Clear Project Requirements

First, software developers are setting clear project requirements to increase their build speed. To define their requirements, many developers start by identifying their target audience. Then, they can examine the elements, features, and functionalities they need to include. Of course, many teams also make a list of key stakeholders in the project. This might include clients, end-users, and sponsors. Typically, not every requirement that stakeholders request will be feasible. Therefore, the software development team leader must provide advice on how the project should evolve and which features are most essential. This way, the team can eliminate unknowns and maximize their time. Definitely, setting clear project requirements is key to build apps faster. 

Installing Advanced Dev Tools

Next, many development companies are installing advanced dev tools to speed up their build time. For example, many top enterprises are using a kubernetes registry by JFrog to provision their k8s cluster with charts and images. With this containerization software, teams can gain insight and full control over their code-to-cluster process. Simultaneously, they can collect and manage artifacts for their containerizaed app. Once configured, developers can also use the registry to trace content, dependencies, and relationships with other Docker images. In addition, this software provides unlimited, high performance access to Docker Hub and official Docker images to simplify cloud-native development. In short, installing advanced dev tools is essential to build faster applications in 2022. 

Limiting Work In Progress

In addition, many development teams are limiting their work in progress (WIP) to increase build speeds. To do this, many teams use a kanban board to track their backlog, planning, and progress. Here, they can also track the tasks for review and deployment as well. With a kanban board, many development companies specify the number of tasks allowed in each column. This way, they can reduce inefficiencies and bottlenecks in the pipeline. Indeed, productivity tends to go down as multitasking goes up. Therefore, limiting WIP can keep workflows running smoothly and reduce the amount of nearly finished tasks. Undoubtedly, limit work in progress to build faster applications in 2022.

Working With Small Teams

Moreover, many development companies are working in small, compact teams to increase their application build speed. Many companies break their teams up according to development specialty. For example, there might be coding, testing, and UI/UX design teams. With a few highly skilled experts working on each team, it's usually easier to get the job done faster. Indeed, they can communicate and collaborate easier. In addition, smaller teams can often make decisions faster, as there are fewer individuals to hear from during meetings and discussions. Of course, these small teams can still coordinate with one another to keep the project on-track to finish. Absolutely, working with small teams is highly effective to increase development speed. 

Establishing KPIs

Furthermore, software developers are establishing key performance indicators (KPIs) as they look to build faster applications. Of course, there are several proven KPI metrics for startups to measure. For example, many teams measure performance through velocity or the value of work done within a given period. In addition, some teams evaluate their cycle time or the time it takes to accomplish a task. Importantly, these metrics focus on how effective the work is, rather than how much gets done. This is key because a developer could code 1000 lines in a 12-hour period. However, this work does not mean much to the team if the code can only execute a few operational tasks. Therefore, establish KPIs to measure productivity and increase dev speed.  

Software developers are looking to build faster applications in 2022. First, developers are setting clear project requirements to increase their build speed. Next, many are installing advanced dev tools to increase efficiency. In addition, many teams are limiting work in progress to eliminate bottlenecks. Moreover, work with small teams to reduce miscommunication and complete tasks faster. Furthermore, establishing KPIs is essential to increase productivity. Consider these points to learn about how software developers are looking to build faster applications in 2022.