(Photo : Image by Michal Jarmoluk from Pixabay )

Before we get into this, let's be honest - we all have fat, and most of us have unwanted fat in one or the other area of our bodies. While fat is healthy and totally normal to have, it sometimes accumulates in regions that can look unflattering or just straight out feel uncomfortable. Some of these areas include the under arms, inner thighs, lower abdomen, and the fat around the bra strap. Exercising regularly and maintaining an overall healthy lifestyle is obviously beneficial, and for some of us, enough to keep the fat off. For others, a busy schedule, inexperience at the gym and with nutrition, or biological factors such as genetics, hormones, and disease keeps us from staying trim through exercise and diet alone. In these cases, there are some alternative methods to eliminate unwanted fat including more extreme surgical procedures, and less invasive methods of fat elimination including CoolSculpting amongst others. The less invasive options do not require a visit to a plastic surgery clinic. Instead, they can be found at cosmetic dermatology practices like Dr. Schwarzburg, MD at Miracle Face that offers exclusively minimally invasive cosmetic treatments. While medical spas can be found everywhere, they are particularly common in larger cities like New York or other large metropolitan areas. Here are a few of the most effective treatments to eliminate unwanted fat from liposuction to Kybella and CoolSculpting.


Liposuction is probably one of the most commonly known treatments to eliminate fat. The process involves a surgical procedure in which fat is sucked out of the treatment area using a tube. This procedure must be administered by a licensed and board certified plastic surgeon and can be dangerous if done incorrectly. Liposuction has been around since the 1970s and has since become the go to treatment to eliminate unwanted fat. The main downside with liposuction is that because it is a surgical procedure, it does come with some downtime lasting up to one month, scarring, swelling, bruising, and risks and side effects including infection. While it is FDA approved, if liposuction is a treatment that you are considering, be sure to do your research and to get it done by an excellent surgeon with experience and great reviews. In some cases, people get liposuction and fat transfers, in which the fat taken from one area of the body is injected into another to add volume. This is most commonly done with Brazilian Butt Lifts, where the fat is taken from areas such as the abdominal region, arms, and thighs, and then injected into the butt for a butt lift using the patient's own fat.


If the surgical disadvantages of liposuction are too much for you, then there are some non surgical options that serve as amazing alternatives to liposuction. Kybella is an injectable solution made up of deoxycholic acid, which is a chemical that is naturally produced by the body and used in the digestive system to break down fat. Kybella can be injected into various treatment areas and is most commonly used in areas that have smaller pouches of fat, including the double chin, under arms, bra straps, inner thighs, and abdomen. The procedure itself only takes about 20 minutes, however, for optimal results may require several sessions. Because Kybella works by gradually breaking down fat cells in the treatment area, your body needs time to metabolize the fat cells, meaning that results will not be seen until 1 - 2 months after the initial treatment. Kybella is non surgical, so it does not require any scalpels or incisions. The side effects are minimal and mainly involve swelling, which may last up to 2 months. If you are considering Kybella to eliminate some of your unwanted fat, be sure to consult with a board certified cosmetic surgeon to confirm that you are a candidate for the treatment and check out this resource for additional information.


CoolSculpting is a non-invasive cosmetic treatment that freezes your fat cells. It works through the use of a vacuum applicator that is placed directly onto the treatment area without any incisions or injections involved. To protect the skin from frostbite or burns, a protective membrane is placed on the skin prior to application. The session takes between 35 and 45 minutes as the applicator goes down to a temperature that will freeze the fat cells without damaging any of the surrounding tissue in the treatment area. There is no downtime with CoolSculpting, meaning that you can go right back to work and normal daily routine immediately after the treatment. Because it takes time for your body to metabolize the now frozen and dead fat cells, it will take up to two months to start seeing your results. Most people require anywhere from one to four sessions for optimal results. CoolSculpting can be used all over the body including areas with small to large pouches of fat including the double chin, arms, thighs, back, and abdominal region. Aside from bruising and possible swelling there are no side effects with CoolSculpting. This treatment has become increasingly popular over the years as a minimally invasive tool to eliminate unwanted fat, and you can visit this website where additional research information is provided regarding this treatment.

Overall there are a variety of treatments beyond the ones mentioned above that can eliminate unwanted fat, however, these treatments are the most popular and most effective. If you plan on getting any of the above mentioned treatments, be sure to consult with a medical professional with experience with each of these procedures to confirm that you are a candidate and which one is the best option for you!