(Photo : Pixabay/ 4657743)
The investigators found out that Veronica attempted to mislead the facts of the case, especially when coroner detected the bruises and damage to the victim’s spleen.

Authorities in Utah have arrested a man's wife who said to have killed her husband accidentally but with no remorse. The attempted cover-up of the homicide was done in a home in Kearns where the man was killed.

On Monday Veronica Vizcarra, aged 30, was apprehended for investigation of the suspected murder of her spouse. An attempt was made to mask it as other than murder as well.

The series of events on that day was the following that led to the wife's arrest later on.

 A call was received from the address 4803 S. Townsend Way (5245 West), the report was of the victim Carlos Vizcarra-Corona, aged 33. He was said to be unconscious based on the call made by Veronica Vizcarra. Nothing else was mentioned in the emergency call.

Police sent first responders to make sure that the victim can be given first aid, it was in vain and the emergency specialist declared that the husband was dead, when they arrive.

What the wife Veronica told detectives is that Carlos was deep into an alcohol problem, while taking Tylenol over the counter drugs as well. Her husband has checked in the hospital to help manage his serious alcoholism. Some observations made by the examiners is healing bruises on the chest, back, and face, said the police affidavit.

The wife informed investigators that the markings on the husband's body were because of fisticuffs at his place of work, two weeks earlier in the affidavit as well.

Initial assumptions of the investigators are that it might be connected to alcohol. This would change when new evidence would surface soon, changing the tone of the investigation.

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A breakthrough was made on March 12, despite the wife's claims in the affidavit, the Utah State Medical Examiner's Office determined the victim did have a history with excessive alcohol abuse. But, further investigation revealed that he was struck by a blunt object with force, added to it is a ruptured spleen that was intentional. Claims of the wife Veronica Vizcarra of an accident is now in doubt when homicide seems more likely.  

Further investigation and more interviews revealed that the couple had been fighting that caused the bruises. There was no fight at work, but at their conjugal home on February 27 and on March 11, where she beat Carlos with a staple or a nail gun.

In October, Veronica was charged guilty for beating up another woman, according to court records. On the day, her plea came and threatened her victim outside the courtroom in Matheson Courthouse. More charges were given to her like retaliating against a witness, according to another court hearing.

Also included in the charges against Veronica Vizcarra in January at Salt Lake Justice Court are criminal mischief, child abuse and two counts of domestic violence in the presence of children. Carlos told the police that his wife was drunk and threw glasses at their 11-year old daughter too.

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