Justin Bieber Professes Love For His Church Amid Organization’s Pedophile Scandal

Justin Bieber was in the middle of hot issues the previous weeks and it all started when he canceled the rest of his Purpose World Tour. After that, it was reported that he was spotted hanging out with his friends from the Australia-based Hillsong Church in which he is a member for years already.

With the latest report from Radar Online, another issue came out which involved Justin Bieber and it has something to do with his Church. It was reported that his religious institution is hiding a dark secret in the past which also involves shocking revelations.

The latest issue claimed that the father of Brian Houston, the founder of the organization was a sick and twisted pedophile. With this, it was likewise added that Brian chose not to divulge and disclose this even from the authorities. But he just revealed that his father was a pedophile and he already has some sort of grips with it in these times.

According to reports way back in 2000, William Francis "Frank" Houston sexually abused a New Zealand boy. Brian learned about this from one of his colleagues during one of their meetings. His colleague in the Church said that someone had rung into the office and made a complaint that the older Houston had abused a boy.

When Brian heard about this revelation, he said that what he thought first was that the act was immoral and then he thought again and said that it was actually criminal. He was left stunned and shattered most especially that he is the founder of a religious institution.

Right after discovering the sad truth, Brian told this immediately to his wife. But surprisingly, he opted not to disclose this to the authorities even if he was aware that what his father did was a crime against a child.

Even if he did not tell it right away to the authorities, he felt terribly sad for the victim since there is no doubt that his dad violated the boy and done him permanent damage to his life. Then Brian felt that it was his moral responsibility to face up to it with his own father.

Nevertheless, the Australia's Royal Commission discovered in 2015 that Brian failed in his responsibility to report this to the authorities. In his defense, he said that reporting right away would be pre-empting the victim. Despite this scandal and dark secret in his Church, Justin Bieber still professed his love for the organization since he enjoys seeing people worship God.

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