While couples are preparing to celebrate their special night on Valentine's Day, singles have no reason to feel left out and alone. The day is also known as Singles' Awareness Day, and if you're flying solo this year, you can still have fun for Valentine's Day weekend by joining these events:

1) Shred Your Ex event at Washington bars and restaurants

The concept was introduced in the 1990s among bars or restaurants in downtown Washington. The establishments would have a paper shredder on standby for Valentine's night, and patrons would be bringing photos of their exes for shredding. In return, patrons will get free beer or a popular dish.

Shred Your Ex events are making a comeback in this state, and with social media part of everyone's lives, people are enjoined to post the shredded photos on their Twitter or Instagram, according to The Washington Post.

2) Singles-Only party at the Tulsa Zoo

In Tulsa, the local zoo at Mohawk Blvd is hosting an event for singles above 21 years old. Called "Venomous Valentines," the party will have games, snacks and drinks, and live animals. Guests will also "discover why losing your head over a new relationship isn't just a phrase in the natural world," the Tulza Zoo site stated.

3) Anti-Valentine's Kickboxing classes at a New York gym

Similar to the Shred Your Ex event, participants will have to bring photos of their exes to the classes at ILoveKickboxing on Feb. 14 weekend. These will be posted on punching bags to allow them to punch and kick their exes "without being called 'crazy' or finding yourself in the local police Precinct," an ILoveKickboxing instructor said via The Creole.

They may also bring photos of in-laws, bosses or a random image, not just specifically an ex-lover. "Let's give them a place to let their anger out and have fun and not feel so alone on Valentine's Day," said Kelly Murray, the New York gym manager.

4) Cupid Undie run in Vegas

Runners in this annual sports event are encouraged to strip down and go pantless towards the finish line. The event is also a fundraiser for the Children's Tumor Foundation, and pre-registration is required, according to the official site. Go solo, or go with a bunch of your friends.