Last week, Kerrie Burns took her golden retriever Kenai on a walk by the Sucker River in chilly Duluth, Minn., that leads to Lake Superior. While walking along the frozen shoreline, Kenai started barking at something that seemed buried in the vegetation, reported Grind TV. It was a bald eagle!

"Shortly after this the eagle hopped out of the vegetation down to the shoreline," Burns told Grind TV. "[Kenai] fortunately has been trained not to chase wildlife. Once she alerted me and I saw what she was looking at she stopped barking. Thinking that it was a little peculiar to see an eagle standing on the shore with us present, we very slowly walked toward it. As we did this, the eagle continued to hop away from us. Clearly there was a problem. At this point we retreated and walked home, both because it was getting dark and because it was too icy to safely proceed."

They returned the following day to find the eagle close by again, and they called the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, reported Barkpost.

The eagle was rescued by trained workers and taken to Duluth's Wildwoods Rehab Facility where the eagle was found to be partially frozen. He was then taken to The Raptor Center in St. Paul, where he was found to be suffering from tissue damage and lead poisoning. He is now undergoing significant treatment, reported Canines Rule, and the staff are hoping for the majestic bird to make a full recovery.

If it weren't for 3-year-old Kenai and his strong nose and great communication skills, the eagle would have died of starvation. Just another reason to show dogs some love today!