One of the most talked about features about the fourth and newest installment in the popular war series "Battlefield" is the ability for players to directly affect the make up of the map during multiplayer games with the "Levolution" feature built individually into each map. This feature allows gamers to trigger certain events on the map that will completely change the structure of the game.

This structure change can include opening up new pathways and lines of sight while closing down others. Below is a list that tells you how to trigger a levolution event for some of our favorite map, courtesy of BF4Central.

Siege of Shanghai: At the front of the building (facing the water), there are four large support columns. All you need to do is destroy all four of them and the big tower on the map will collapse. You can take out the columns with a tank from the water front. It takes two tank shots to destroy each pillar. In addition to the building collapse, there are security bollards on bridges that allow you to bring them up to prevent vehicles from crossing.

Lancang Dam: Obviously the big change in this one is that the dam you're battling near can be destroyed and allow dirt and bolders to rush the map. The dam can be destroyed by rockets, tank shots or other explosions. This is one of the more difficult levolution events to trigger simply because the experience simply requires you to put a lot of damage into the dam before it will collapse. Much of the surrounding area will be destroyed once you trigger this event, so make sure you and your team have the high ground.

Operation Locker: In this game, which is set in a prison, the big guard tower in the central control point can be brought down with explosives. In addition, the map features several other gates and doors that can be locked to prevent enemy players from entering a particular area or using a pathway, perfect for survival game types where defense and running out the clock is key.

Rogue Transmission: The Rogue Transmission map features a large radio telescope that can be brought down by destroying a series of cables that hold it in place. There are a total of 10 cables to cut and they can each be severed using C4, rocket launchers and vehicles. It's a good idea to wait until there are a lot of enemies under the central control point because when it comes down, it will take anyone hiding in the center with it.

A more complete list of all these can be found HERE, via BF4Central. You can check out Vol. 1 HERE.