Some birds make a nest, painstakingly finding twigs, lint, leaves and string, you name it. Those nests are elaborate. Others find a pre-made home to raise their young, as in the case of this pair of opportunistic little Canaries who set up camp in a warm, soft, perfect sized, un-used-at-the-moment pair of Timberland boots in Brazil, according to The Dodo.

The smile-worthy video by YouTuber Daniel Scalabrini even noted that the owner of the boots was more than happy to let the birds borrow them for as long as they needed, White Wolf Pack noted. One peek at the boot, and you can see three little naked baby bird heads, mouths agape, waiting for their parents to return with breakfast.

Scalabrini said that the boots are happily in the eaves out of the way of rain, where the workers for the farm often store them for the next day's work, according to Animal Planet. That is, until you find a family of five has moved in. It won't be long before the little babies get their wings and fly off into the world, though, in which case, the owner can reclaim his boots for working.