"Bird brain" can no longer be considered an insult, thanks to this amazingly intelligent Macaw parrot named Lucy. We know that many birds can learn to talk or sing melodic sounds, but this bird is incredible to behold.

When her keepers ask her to pick out a color, she's able to correctly identify the ribbon they asked for. She shows that she can pick out red, green, black, blue and yellow just from a verbal cue from a human, said Little Things. It doesn't matter that the colors are out of order - she identifies them just the same.

Watch Lucy show off her color skills in the video below, uploaded by YouTube user dbonner106.

She can also be seen picking out items like an apple or an umbrella when her keepers ask her to choose each one. 

In both videos, we see that her keepers use verbal positive reinforcement, like "good girl" and "good job", as well as physical reinforcement, like asking for high-fives. She gets a small treat whenever she gets one right. What an amazing bird!