Tweety Bird and Sylvester live on in this darling little parakeet and his sleepy silly cat, according to Cats vs. Cancer. The cat tolerates the silly bird, who she could swallow whole if she was so inclined, but just like the little cartoon characters, she has affection for her tiny bird friend.

When the darling little curious bird sneaks up to her lazy cat friend, he makes kissy noises as he kisses her gently again and again trying to get his kitty friend to wake and enjoy the day. Seemingly bored, he needs a buddy to do things with, Little Things noted. What mischief this unusual little duo could get into, together, Tweety and Sylvester style.

But first things first, as the tiny bird gently pecks this dozing cat's paws, in between kisses and kissy-face noises. He keeps at it, as the lazy bed-headed cat stretches and at one point yawns so wide you can see that the tiny budgie would fit inside his mouth without a feather sticking out. But just like Tweety and Sylvester, these tiny creatures are best friends.