Dreary winter months require a little extra oomph for all beauty routines, hair included. The drying effects of the winter months take their toll on our hair, so do the poor diets and overeating we indulged through the holiday season. But now the New Year is here, and it's time to get that hair in head-turning condition again. Get hair envy with these top tips from the pros in the know; it's time to start the year off looking incredible.

The right hair color makes sense, but we don't always use sense in choosing it. There are a million shades of blonde or auburn, so make sure the one chosen works with your skin tone and features and doesn't fight against them.

"Sometimes, women see a hair color on a celebrity and automatically think the same look will work for them, too. But just like your cut, your color should complement your unique skin tone and texture," says colorist Ryan Pearl from Cutler/Redken Salon, according to Self. "Talk to your colorist for a consult before getting started and discuss how a color that you love on the red carpet can be tweaked to look flattering on you in real life."

Another no-no is making drastic shade changes all at once. Dark brunette to platinum blonde may sound fun, but lighten a little at first. You don't need baby steps, but you need a few steps or you'll risk severe damage to your glossy locks that even the new hair color can't overcome.

"If you're going dramatically darker or lighter, it's best for your hair's health to make a slow transition to your new look. Avoid trying to get it done [by yourself or] in one appointment," says colorist Will Francis at Sally Hershberger Downtown. If you're going from jet black to blonde, for example, it may take several sessions over several weeks; otherwise, you may wind up with severe breakage or damage to your hair.

Are you allowing your conditioner to stay on long enough? In our rush to get on with the day, try multitasking to assure your conditioner has time to condition. A minimum two to three minutes is always best. Use this time to shave your legs, or other bits. Or exfoliate your skin, according to All Women Stalk. Just make sure to let your thirsty hair get rehydrated with the proper timing of your conditioner.

And it goes without saying, but we can use a little reminder sometimes that we are what we eat. This shows in our hair, our skin and our eyes. A healthy balanced diet leads to healthy hair, Brittney Lauren notes. Buy organic when you can to lower the toxins intake that shows up in dull lifeless split end hair. It won't take long to see the results when you are eating better.