WARNING: The following contains spoilers for AMC's "The Walking Dead."

AMC has released the first trailer for the second half of "The Walking Dead's" sixth season, and it is action packed. Check it out.

Out of context, it's hard to understand exactly what's going on here. AMC naturally isn't going to reveal too much with a month and a half of promotion to go. But if you look closely, the trailer does tease a bloody moment from the comic.

Very briefly, we see Rick swinging down a hatchet. It's fair to wonder what (who) is on the receiving end of that swing. It's something we've speculated on before. If you'll remember, the midseason finale ended with Jessie's son Sam inexplicably starting to talk right smack dab in the middle of the walker horde (c'mon kid, you're better than that). If things play out as they did in Robert Kirkman's comic, the noise will attract the Walkers who grab Sam and Jessie. Jessie, unfortunately, refuses to let go of Carl's hand and Rick is forced to bring down the hatchet on her to protect his son.

It's possible that showrunner Scott M. Gimple will change around the details of the scene as the series has routinely taken a creative license with the source material. But Jessie has outlived her creative usefulness at this point and would not be seen as a huge loss in the eyes of audiences.

Other than who may or may not be getting hacked by Rick, the teaser also shows The Saviors once again. They were first introduced in the prologue scene that aired during the post-finale. Their arrival means big bad Negan is finally coming.

"The Walking Dead" returns to AMC on Sunday, Feb. 14.