Model and actress Christie Brinkley opened up about using Botox and plastic surgery and how she manages to look young even at the age of 61.

In an interview with the Daily Mail, Brinkley shared some of her beauty secrets from her book "Timeless Beauty: Over 100 Tips, Secrets, And Shortcuts To Looking Great," including Botox and non-surgical fillers.

Brinkley started off with an admission that even though she uses Botox on a regular basis, she does not like using the drug to relax her facial muscles. "Having Botox injected into my forehead was a disaster," she said, according to the Daily Mail"Botox took the arch out of my eyebrows and made me look sad," she added before stating that she would never use Botox on her face again.

Although the ageless model vows never to use Botox to treat her facial muscles, she said she found it to be very effective on her neck.

"It worked wonders to relax those muscles and it also tightened my double chin area and jawline. The best part is that you don't have to worry about any expression being lost or changed," Brinkley said, according to Wonderwall.

Brinkley went on to dish out some advice to those who use plastic surgery for beauty treatment. "Fill" but "don't stuff," she said, before recommending the perfect manner in which to use cosmetic fillers.

"I've used them on an indentation on my forehead - the legacy of a playground accident - and also on marionette lines around my mouth," she stated. "But you must use a very small amount because over-filling removes contours and gives you a flat face."

Another beauty secret Brinkley mentioned in the feature is the Clear + Brilliant laser, which she uses on her face to treat skin discoloration. "The process also stimulates your body to produce collagen, the naturally occurring protein in the skin that gives it firmness and elasticity, so I get the added bonus over time of my face looking fuller and more youthful," said Brinkley.

"The best results," she concluded, "are not total transformations but nearly imperceptible changes that just make you look like a slightly younger version of you."