A transgender man who spent a decade transitioning to a male found out he was pregnant halfway through his gender change, according to the Daily Mail.

Kayden Coleman, of Philadelphia, had been transitioning for about 10 years and on hormones. However, for a brief period he wasn't on them, which he believes was the window of when he became pregnant. Coleman was preparing for a mastectomy, a procedure in which one or more breasts are removed.

"To have a mastectomy you have to be off hormones for six weeks," he explained.

Coleman first discovered he was pregnant after complaining about back pain to his partner, Elijah.

"Elijah was going to give me a massage, so I lay on my front on the bed. It felt like there was a pillow under my stomach but there was no pillow," said Coleman. "I actually said, 'I think I should go get a pregnancy test.' We were joking about it."

The pregnancy presented many complications that disrupted their personal lives. Elijah's family did not know Coleman was transgender, so they would have to be told, not to mention other people in Coleman's life who did not know, according to the Mirror.

Coleman endured a grueling four-day labor and also suffered from post-natal depression.

The couple's daughter, Azaelia, is almost 2 years old now.

Coleman has reportedly fallen into his role as parent after difficult pregnancy and birth, according to the Grio.