Rockstar Games recently launched its first foray into the world of online multiplayer with the release of "Grand Theft Auto Online." So far the game has been plagued with several glitches and launch issues and, as a result, many people have been locked out of enjoying the full "GTA Online" experience.

When people first start in GTA Online, they must pick their starting vehicle to upgrade and put a tracker on all their own. This will essentially turn that vehicle into the one that you own like the characters in the Story Mode. As a result it's a good idea to take your time when choosing your first car. However, you can choose to change your car by spending some money on a brand new one. While that gets expensive, many in the GTA Online world are about to come into some cash.

In order to compensate for the startup issues that "GTA Online" has been facing Rockstar announced on Thursday that it will be giving $500,000 of in-game currency to all those who played the game during the month of Oct. and, inevitably encountered the several launch errors.

If you weren't aware that your first car would become your main vehicle, or if you just want to drop some cash and have the fastest ride in Los Santos. One of the first things you should purchase in "GTA Online" is a garage. Once you have one, you can start to save up multiple cars. You can just purchase a brand new car and store it there. Whenever you need it you simply visit your garage and take your ride out for a spin.

If you're wondering what kind of car to buy, it's largely a matter of personal opinion. However, if you're the kind of person who likes a guide and some stats when it comes to making big decisions, you can check a complete list of all the vehicles in the game that you can buy and their stats via IGN.

Check out the list and tell us your thoughts on what makes the perfect vehicle for GTA Online. Besides an attack helicopter of course.

UPDATE: This article originally had the wrong total amount of money that will be given from Rockstar to players. It has since been corrected.