Warning: The following contains possible spoilers for season six of AMC's "The Walking Dead" as well as the graphic novel.

Regardless of whether or not you're familiar with the graphic novel source material, you may have caught an interesting line between Glenn and Maggie on Sunday night's season six premiere of AMC's "The Walking Dead." This one piece of dialogue may hint at a major comic book story coming to the screen this year.

At one point during the episode, Rick asks for volunteers for a dangerous mission. Glenn, being the soft spoken hero that he is, volunteers but requests that Maggie stay behind and help Deanna recover from the loss of Reg in the season five finale. Maggie agrees but explains, "That's not the only reason."

Flimsy evidence, I know, but is Maggie pregnant? It would explain why she wouldn't want to go on this dangerous mission and why Glenn practically insisted she stay behind.

In the comics, Maggie's pregnancy is the catalyst to major life altering events. (Double SPOILER Alert) Glenn's persistence in finding Maggie and his unborn child a safe place actually leads to his death at the hands of Negan, who we also know will be making his debut sometime this year.

If Maggie is pregnant, which all signs point to being the case, does that mean that Glenn's demise is on the eminent horizon? That would be incredibly sad, but in line with "The Walking Dead's" no-one-is-safe mentality. It would also fit with countless rumors that have cropped up over the last year or so. 

Keep your eyes peeled for further clues about this theory in the next episode.