Anyone who watched season five of AMC's hit show "The Walking Dead" could tell there was something between Rick and Jessie. Now with Rick having executed Jessie's abusive husband, there's nothing to stand in the way of their romance, right?


Actress Alexandra Breckenridge says the feelings Jessie has for Rick may not be 100 percent authentic. Despite her husband's abuse, having him killed right in front of her may have (unsurprisingly) taken its toll emotionally.

"You know, she's definitely struggling with the death of her husband," Breckenridge told Entertainment Weekly. "I mean, that was just in and of itself - regardless of her relationship with Rick - extremely complicated. She'd been with this person for a very long time. He was abusive, and as with most women that are abused, I think she was in denial about that for a long time. And so, he sort of woke her back up and it's like, 'No, this isn't okay,' and she's like, 'Oh my gosh, no this isn't okay.'

"It's sad but it's true. It happens to a lot of people. So, when he dies, she feels immense guilt because she feels relieved, but she also is mourning his death. It's so complicated for her that any interest that she had for Rick in that moment, it's not her main focus. You know what I mean? She's just sort of in the place where she knows she needs to become stronger to protect her family."

It's been rumored that the sixth season of "The Walking Dead" will closely follow a very, very important storyline from the comics that has major ramifications for Jessie's relationship with Rick and Rick's mindset moving forward. If true, it sounds as if Breckenridge's character will be at the center of a very important and emotional story this season.

"The Walking Dead" will return Sunday, Oct. 11 at 9:00 PM ET.