The streets of London must be running amuck with evil geniuses hatching master plans and twirling mustaches, because not only does the BBC series "Sherlock" have an upcoming Christmas special on tap, but the third film in the Robert Downey Jr. Sherlock Holmes film franchise is gearing up as well.

(Side Note: Honorable mention for CBS' "Elementary")

IGN spoke with Lionel Wigram, who produced the first two films in the series, and asked if a third installment is in the pipeline.

"We're working on a Sherlock Holmes 3 script," Wigram said. "I think we would all love to do one if we could come up with something that really was really going to knock it out of the park and was going to be the best of the three. So we're working on that - it's quite hard to do."

Wigram also confirmed that both Downey Jr. and Jude Law, who plays the ever faithful Dr. John Watson, are "very, very" interested in returning to the series. Unfortunately, Wigram did not have information regarding director Guy Ritchie's return. But the two are currently promoting the upcoming "Man From U.N.C.L.E." together so discussions regarding a "Sherlock Holmes" threequel are undoubtedly taking place.

The most recent film, 2011's "A Game of Shadows," left fans with a typical Holmes-ian cliff hanger with our titular hero tumbling down the Reichenbach Falls with Professor Moriarty. While the movie grossed more than $545 million worldwide, "A Game of Shadows" was largely considered a step down from the first film from a critical standpoint. Returning with a quality story and not just flashy action sequences should be a top priority for Warner Bros. this time around.