Friendship can grow between two distinct individuals and even in two different species, like this dog- and-fox duo.

We have seen many surprising real-life animal friendships like the owl and the kitten as well as the dog with eight birds and a hamster. This time, we have a dog and wild fox named Tinni and Sniffer.

Tinni the dog resides in Norway with pet owner Torgeir Berge who is a photographer. Berge snaps photos of the sweet and endearing friendship between Tinni and Sniffer.

Apparently, the two are unaware of their difference as they play like they have known each other since birth, the Dodo noted. They run around the woods near Berge's home.

Because Berge has seen the friendship of the two, he became a critic of how foxes are locked in a cage and killed for their pelts.

"Foxes are just like dogs in their behavior and personality," Berge wrote in a post on Facebook. "It brings tears to my eyes in pure pain, when I think about the millions of Sniffers ... locked inside cages all their lives."

Berge follows the two on their adventures while taking some lovely photographers showcasing their queer yet heart-warming relationship.