The effects of climate change have been massive and evident for the past years and now, it was just reported that this will bring dangerous extreme heat and ozone pollution in the southeastern United States. Apart from these effects, it was also claimed that people should be cautious of the growth of tropical diseases as a result of climate change too.

Along with this report was the study conducted at the Georgia State University which also projected the dangerous effects of climate change on people and environment. The same research was likewise published in the Public Library of Science journal PLoS One and was conducted by Dr. Jeremy Diem and Dr. Christine Stauber.

According to PHYS ORG, the two researchers were able to conclude that the people who live in the Southeastern U.S. will experience a temperature that is extremely high. This temperature was even compared to the recorded heat in Florida which as people know, has a tropical climate.

To be able to come up with the result of the study, the two researchers gathered and collected data from weather stations with the inclusion of global climate models. With the result of the research, it was found out that the temperature in southeastern U.S. will be different from the temperature people usually experience during the summer.

Because of the extreme heat and the high temperature, people living in the Southeastern were warned of heat-related illnesses and diseases, and worse, deaths. Moreover, it was also reported that this will also pose threat and risk to people with lung diseases most especially the elderly.

As the ozone concentration is extremely high, people in the Southeastern U.S. need to be cautious because of the prevalence of serious diseases. Health and Environment Organization reported that climate change will not only damage the environment and the flow of the atmosphere but it has also a direct detrimental effect on people's health.

However, as the people living in the Southeastern U.S. have been warned, some tips to address the harmful effects were also provided. With this, the researchers also suggested that green and cool roofing in urban areas can also be implemented to mitigate climate change and the increasing temperature.