New, jaw-dropping shots of the upcoming Batman title, "Arkham Knight" have been unearthed. The new images, posted by Russian website ConsoleLife, give us a closer look at the mysterious character (villain?) in the game called the Arkham Knight.

Rocksteady Studios has been reticent to share details of who and/or what the Arkham Knight really is. All we know right now is that the character will square off against Batman several times. The character/artistic design for the Arkham Knight looks phenomenal, as he looks like a badass, cyborg version of Batman himself.

One of the other screenshots for "Batman: Arkham Knight" takes another look at the Batmobile in action. This is the first time that Batman will use the Batmobile in this series. Batman can use it to tool around Gotham City...and he will definitely need that as the game map is several times bigger than that of 2012's "Arkham City."

"Batman: Arkham Knight" was originally scheduled for release in 2014, but had to be delayed until June 2. The game will be available for the PS4, Xbox One and PC platforms when it does hit the shelves.

There were a few, new trailers for "Batman: Arkham Knight" posted about a month ago. You can check those out here, here, and here, and the new screenshots are below: