Skinny Jeans, High Heels, Oversized Purses: Is Your Fashion Killing You?

Some fashion trends can be killer on your body. Not just the pain of shelling out beaucoup bucks for the latest trend, but ouch of new heels or the suck-in-your-tummy fit of tight jeans can be harmful for your health, according to Dr. Michael Gleiber.

Carrying a heavy purse, computer bag, book bag or even pet carrier with your tiny pup inside can cause shoulder and neck pain, according to Gleiber.

What is in your purse now? For most women, a large bag could hold a phone, wallet, makeup, bottle of water, a book, hand sanitizer, lotion, lip balm and sometimes a pair of heels to slip on after you walk to your destination. All that extra weight on one side of your body causes your spine to curve, which throws off the whole works, according to Gleiber.

If you feel numbness, tingling or pain, your jeans are actually pressing on an outer thigh nerve, causing meralgia paresthetica, according to Gleiber. Pairing your jeans with a pair of leg-elongating stilettos can wreak havoc on your nerves.

You have to pay to get the latest fashions, but you shouldn't pay with your health.

News, Fashion, Health
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