Everyone has stressed out over the way their hair looked in a picture at least once.

A new iPhone case called the Selfie Brush claims to make that stress go away forever.

The Selfie Brush, created by WetBrush, is exactly what it sounds like: it's a brush that holds your iPhone so you can brush your hair before taking a selfie. With a long handle, it allows for more angles when taking the selfie.

Genius, right?

The website markets the product with three pros to the Selfie Brush. The big case makes it easy to find in your pocketbook, it makes you look better in social media selfies, and the brush gives professional results.

The brush has a side slots so the user can still have access to the headphone jack and volume so they can jam to their favorite music or talk on the phone while brushing their hair and taking selfies.

The $19.99 brush comes in three colors: pink, purple and black. Right now it's only available for the iPhone 5 and 5S, but the website promises selfie brushes for other phone models in the future.

And so far, people seem to be loving it on Instagram: