The casting rumors are heating up for HBO's "Game of Thrones" season 5, possible revealing some plot spoilers. reports there are three new characters the production is allegedly looking to cast. Along with the rumored Sand Snakes and Martell family in Dorne, it looks like there may be some interesting characters arriving to other parts of Westeros.

Unofficial sources allegedly revealed to the production is searching for the following characters:

Varamyr: Dubbed Varamyr Sixskins in the book series, the wildling skinchanger initially appears in A Storm of Swords when he takes possession of the late Orell's eagle, and takes on his scout role as well with Mance Rayder's army. The book describes Varamyr as a small man, bald and grey-faced with round shoulders. The show is supposedly looking to cast an actor in the 35-45 year old age range. It's unclear what position Varamyr will take on in the fifth season as his introduction point in the books has already passed in the show. 

Imogen: A 12 year old blonde girl. It's speculated that this may actually be the casting call for young Cersei. Given that there is no Imogen in the books, and we've heard that Game of Thrones is auditioning girls for the role of young Cersei, this seems likely.

Brunette girl: 12 years old. There's no additional information about this part. For book-related possibilities, our best guess with regards to the role is probably Melara, a girl involved in young Cersei's story with the fortuneteller Maggy the Frog. The list of potential characters is unconfirmed by HBO at this time.

A video recently leaked of actress Tania Raymonde auditioning for Obara Sand for "Game of Thrones" season 5. The tape has since been taken down, but it did reveal that Jaime Lannister maybe visiting Dorne. You can check out more about leaked video story here.