Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky said that they are preparing "something powerful" for Ukrainian warriors. 

Now, will it be a new, advanced weapon that can be used against the Russian military? Here's what the Ukranian leader said. 

Ukraine President Prepares 'Something Powerful' 

Ukraine President Prepares 'Something Powerful' For Troops—What is It?
(Photo: BRENDAN SMIALOWSKI/AFP via Getty Images)
Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelensky meets with US President Joe Biden(not shown) in the Oval Office of the White House, on September 1, 2021, in Washington, DC. - Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelensky is only the second European leader to meet President Joe Biden at the White House on Wednesday.

On Aug. 18, Zelensky posted a blog via the official Ministry of Defense of Ukraine website. "We are preparing powerful things for Ukraine, strengthening our state, our warriors," said the Ukrainian president. 

Volodymyr explained that this powerful "thing" is their main task for the third week of August. 

Zelensky said that there will be weapons, new opportunities, as well as new support packages for their beloved warriors and partners. 

"We are doing everything so that on the eve of the Independence Day of our country, it can be said that Ukraine has taken another step towards the circle of the strongest states in the world," shared Ukraine's president. 

He assured Ukranians that their team is working intensively and will provide updates to residents soon. 

As of writing, the Ukrainian government is working with its EU neighbors to make the mentioned goals possible. 

Zelensky said that they are also cooperating with their European partners, which already proved that the European leadership in defending freedom is of global importance. 

The Ukrainian leader said that important events in the country are expected to happen before August ends. 

He promised that his team will not lose a single day of preparation and thanked Ukrainians who are also doing the same for their beloved country.  

Read Also: US Approves Sending F-16 Jets to Ukraine After Ukrainian Pilots Complete Training

Ukraine's Powerful Weapon Right Now 

Ukraine President Prepares 'Something Powerful' For Troops—What is It?
(Photo: Alexey Furman/Getty Images)
Ukrainian soldier waves the Ukrainian national flag while standing on top of an armored personnel carrier (APC) on April 8, 2022, in Hostomel, Ukraine. After more than five weeks of war, Russia appears to have abandoned its goal of encircling the Ukrainian capital. However, Ukraine expects a renewed fight in the east and south.

Based on the statements that Zelensky shared, the powerful "thing" he was talking about is combined efforts and advancements that can aid Ukrainian soldiers as they fight Russian troops. 

But, the most efficient tactic that Ukraine uses during the war is the use of drones. For the past few days, Moscow has been suffering from drone attacks, as reported by Global Times

Although the Ukrainian government didn't directly confirm these drone attacks, Russian officials blame the country. 

However, analysts said that these drone attacks allegedly from Ukraine will only increase the difficulty of political solutions to the ongoing Russia-Ukraine conflict.  

Related Article: Russia-Ukraine War Update: Moscow Hit by Ukrainian Drone Attack; US Approves Transfer of F-16s to Ukraine; US Intel Predicts Counteroffensive Will Fail