(Photo : JÉSHOOTS from Pexels)

A vow to get healthy is a staple of New Year's resolutions and general goal setting. It's natural to want to feel better and live longer. But if it were as easy to accomplish as it is to say, wouldn't you be doing it already? 

There's no doubt that achieving a healthier lifestyle can be challenging. You have family, work, and social obligations that limit your available time. Plus, there's so much information available on the latest health trends and what you should be doing. Narrowing it down to the changes you can make right now may seem overwhelming, but it doesn't have to be. Here are a few health-promoting changes to get started with.

1. Rethink Your Nutrition

Your body requires food for fuel. Going to work, playing with your kids, even relaxing with friends all depend on it. So being intentional about what you're eating makes a big difference in your overall health.

Assess how you feel with your current diet. Do you feel sluggish and tired, or are you energized? The answer to this simple question can be a difference-maker. If you fall into the sluggish and tired group, consider making some changes. Even small adjustments can have a big impact.

For example, if eating sugary cereal for breakfast leaves you feeling woozy mid-morning, consider alternative options. A fiber-rich smoothie with a super greens powder paired with a protein like eggs can help you feel full for longer. You'll avoid a sugar crash, too. Finding swaps like these can instill healthier habits in your daily routine and ultimately improve the way you feel.

2. Get Your Steps In

Second to nutrition in the world of health is movement. To put the fuel you've consumed to use instead of into fat reserves, your body needs to burn calories. Walking, running, and other forms of exercise are a great way to accomplish that.

Find fun, enjoyable ways to move your body throughout the day. An impromptu dance party with your kids or a walk with your dog are great ways to get more steps in. Plus, you get the benefit of hanging out with loved ones while you're at it. Don't have kids or pets? Hop on a phone call or tune into your favorite podcast for entertainment while you walk.

The moral of the story is to commit to more movement. You don't have to become a marathon runner or bodybuilder to improve your physical fitness. You just need to incorporate activity and get your heart pumping to make a noticeable difference in your health.

3. Drink More Water

Hydration is another key to health that can be improved relatively easily. Evaluate your current water intake and see where it falls in comparison to the recommended intake. Most adults should consume at least half of their body weight in ounces of water every day. For example, if you weigh 140 pounds, you should drink 70 ounces - or roughly nine 8-ounce glasses - of water daily.

If plain water is too boring, sugar-free water flavor drops can make hydration a more enjoyable experience. If you simply forget to drink water, buy a large water bottle with time increments on it. That way, you're visually reminded of your progress on an hour-by-hour basis.

Remember that foods have water in them, too. So give yourself grace if you don't down the recommended number of glasses per day. Ultimately, any increase in water consumption is going to be better than nothing.

4. Commit to Sleep

In an ideal world, everyone would get ample sleep so they're well rested and ready for what their day has in store. But when you have a demanding job and kids and are trying to be social, sleep often falls by the wayside. While that's understandable, insufficient slumber won't help you be your healthiest self.

There are many benefits to sleep, as it impacts nearly every tissue in the body. Your hormone function, digestion, immune system, and mental health all depend on adequate rest. So when you're getting less than the recommended six to eight hours of shut-eye each night, there will be consequences.

Maintaining a sleep schedule can help you get as close to the eight hours you need as possible. If you must get up at 6 a.m. for work each morning, count backward to figure out your ideal bedtime. Then try going to bed at or before that time each night for a week. Even if you don't fall asleep immediately, you'll create a routine of getting in bed at the right time. Your body will adjust, getting you closer to the hours of sleep you need each night.

5. Set Attainable Health Goals

Audacious goals have a time and a place, but the start of your health journey isn't one of them. That isn't to say you can't reach them eventually, but it's not the best way to begin. Failing to reach an ambitious goal out of the gate may leave you feeling discouraged. You might even quit the journey altogether. Instead, focus on attainable goals.

If you typically walk 3,000 steps in a day, an attainable goal would be to increase it to 5,000. Then once that amount becomes normal, go for 7,500, and so on. These incremental adjustments allow for small wins that can increase motivation and make health changes sustainable.

The best thing about goals is that they're customizable. You can aim to meet your step goal at least four days a week. That still allows fluctuation in your schedule and prevents you from feeling disheartened when you don't meet your target. Again, when it comes to your health, every little bit helps. So set yourself up for success and bring your attainable goals to fruition.

On Your Way to a Healthier You

To incorporate health changes into your daily life, you need to be committed to the effort required. But that effort shouldn't seem superhuman. You just have to find what works for you and your schedule. 

You can find ways to enjoy yourself while still improving your diet, exercise, and sleep habits. And the result will be the healthier, happier you that you're working toward.