Photo by cottonbro studio
(Photo : cottonbro studio from Pexels)

With more people using the internet every year, small businesses are finding it increasingly crucial to stay relevant and connect with consumers online. This is why a Top Design Firm report found that 87% of small businesses who don't have a website plan to invest in one. After all, doing so will allow them to showcase their services and products and ensure that their customers can make purchases online.

Of course, while a website can be a great platform to communicate with customers, it's worth noting that your online presence should also expand to areas such as social media sites and online reviews. If you want to learn more about the importance of creating a strong online presence across all possible consumer touchpoints, read on.

It helps you understand your market better

As you may well know, one of the struggles of being a small business owner is creating a product with genuine value for your target customer. Overcoming this obstacle can entail different solutions. For instance, multi-business owner Jonte Wells cultivated unique and personal knowledge about the customers in his talent management company. As a former athlete, Wells was able to understand the kind of services that his clients needed.

That said, having the same experiences as your customers isn't the only way you can understand their concerns. By creating an online presence, you'll have the capacity to gather key insights about your market. In a 2021 report by Visual Objects, Nolah Mattress CMO Stephen Light shared that reading through online reviews allowed him to identify how consumers perceived his products. With that kind of information, you can better accommodate the features your customers want to see in your goods and services.

It allows you to attract potential customers

As it is, many consumers have become accustomed to researching online before making a purchase. Case in point, a Salesforce survey showed that 74% of individuals conduct their research by visiting a business' website, while 38% of consumers check the brand's social media accounts. These figures make it clear that building a strong online presence is necessary to attract potential customers to your small business and bolster your brand awareness.

But how should you go about improving your branding? According to a 2021 Forbes write-up on social media marketing, small businesses can take a page from brands like Adidas and Sprite-who have used social media platforms like Instagram and Snapchat to run successful campaigns. Similar to these companies, you can create custom filters or story ads with creative messages to draw attention to your business.

It helps nurture existing customer connections

Beyond boosting brand awareness, having an online presence can likewise help you maintain great customer relationships. In a feature on marketing for business success by LHH, it's shown that you can strengthen existing customer connections through thought leadership. Whether it be through your website or your social media accounts, make sure to provide educational and thoughtful content about your products to customers. This helps increase their trust in your small business and reinforces a sense of community.

Interestingly, many big brands have done the same in their early years to better engage and retain customers. For example, Glossier regularly posted content in its 19,000-member Facebook group called "Into The Gloss". This allowed them to connect with customers in a more intimate and honest space. So on that note, consider creating an account on messaging platforms to allow your customers to gather around shared interests.

It can enable better customer service

Having an online presence enables your small business to offer better customer support. For one, your website can serve as a centralized source of information. There, you can create pages like an FAQ section or a product spec sheet so your customers can find what they need in a more seamless way.

Apart from that, with the help of your social media accounts, you can monitor real-time concerns and address them in an efficient manner. This is what Glossier did back in 2020 when they received numerous messages on Instagram about their packaging. Previously, Glosser items were shipped in bubble wrap pouches that could be reused as cosmetics bags. When their community expressed dissent, though, the company immediately took action and introduced a "less packaging" option without the plastic pouch. Ultimately, having an online presence lets you circumvent issues that can decrease customer satisfaction.

As a small business owner, creating a strong online presence gives you more opportunities to reach a wider audience. This allows you to cultivate meaningful customer relationships and likewise helps increase your business growth in a competitive online-first age.