Image by zhong chen from Pixabay
(Photo : zhong chen from Pixabay)

In the state of Louisiana, the top five leading causes of death are heart disease, cancer, accidents, chronic lower respiratory diseases, and stroke. Accidents stand out because they're the only leading cause of death that doesn't stem from a health problem (even the next five leading causes of death are health-related). When accidents don't lead to death, they often lead to injury and accidents are usually always preventable. Here are the top four accidents that are a leading cause of injury and/or death in Louisiana.

#1: Firearms and Other Violent Crimes

As of 2022 (statistics from 2021), Louisiana ranks as number one in the country for the most violent crimes committed. Examples of violent crimes include assault (including sexual assault and rape) and murder. Injuries and deaths related to firearms are a top cause of injury and death among males living in Louisiana.

#2: Poisoning and Drug Overdoses

Poisonings (specifically drug overdoses) are a leading cause of injury and death among women in Louisiana. According to the CDC (Centers for Disease Control), Louisiana saw a nearly 15% increase in drug use from 2015 to 2016 with heroin and marijuana being the most common type of illegal drugs used. Efforts to combat drug use didn't appear to be successful, since Louisiana was still the leader of drug overdoses by state in 2020.

Poisonings are also a common cause of injury and death in young children. This can be the result of children unintentionally consuming marijuana edibles, coming in contact with poisonous animals or plants, or consuming household chemicals because they were unsupervised. 

#3: Traffic Accidents

Car, truck, and motorcycle accidents are the leading cause of accidental injuries in Louisiana- and this includes motor vehicle accidents that involve bicyclists and pedestrians. Louisiana saw over 900 car crashes and nearly 1,000 deaths in 2021, which was an increase from 2020. Some of the main causes of motor vehicle accidents in Louisiana are:

  • Distracted driving

  • Drunk driving

  • Inclement weather 

  • Reckless driving (including speeding)

Unfortunately, the occurrence of traffic accidents in Louisiana does not seem to be improving, so it's important to know what to do if you're involved in an accident. The first thing to do is to call the authorities and take pictures of the scene of the accident. You may also need to contact a personal injury lawyer and a doctor.

#4: Workplace Injuries

Workplace injuries are another leading cause of injury and death in Louisiana and the entire United States. When workers are injured on the job due to negligence (no fault of their own), they're entitled to workers' compensation benefits.

Here's a look at some of the most common workplace injuries.

Falls and Falling Objects

Falling from a height and falling objects are the most common workplace injuries in the construction and related industries- but they can happen in any workplace where one is working from a height. Falls can also result from tripping or slipping, which can also occur in any workplace. Objects may also fall from a height and strike a worker in the head, which can lead to serious injuries and even death. This is why hard hats are required on construction sites.

Heavy Machinery

Falling objects aren't the only things that can strike workers and cause serious injuries. Heavy machinery, particularly in warehouse environments, can trap or even crush workers when there is a defect or if they're not used properly.


Overextension can happen in just about any type of work environment, and it rarely results in death. It's most likely to happen in professions that require workers to lift, carry, pull, or push heavy items. Proper lifting techniques can prevent this type of work injury.

Repetitive Motions

Repetitive motion injuries are also fairly common (and non-deadly) in a variety of professions, particularly in professions that require workers to make small repetitive motions (i.e., office jobs). Proper work equipment that supports ergonomics can help prevent this type of injury.

Violent Acts

Work of any type can be stressful, and sometimes conflicts between coworkers can turn violent and even deadly. This isn't as common as the other workplace injuries listed above, but unfortunately, it does happen.

All of these causes of injury and death can be prevented, but unfortunately, the rates have been increasing in recent years. Firearm safety training, substance abuse, and misuse education, safe driving hazards, and cooperation in the workplace are key to preventing these leading causes of injury and death.