(Photo : RAINN)

Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein made headlines once again in mid-December, as his recent trial for rape, sexual assault, and sexual battery came to a close in Los Angeles. And RAINN - the Rape, Abuse, & Incest National Network - is applauding the courageous survivors who bravely took the stand in the case.

After a month in court and nine days of jury deliberations, Weinstein was found guilty of three charges of rape and sexual assault for one of his four accusers in this trial. This isn't the first conviction for Weinstein, who is currently serving a 23-year sentence for similar charges in New York (he has chosen to appeal that verdict).

Forced sexual acts and misconduct have led Weinstein's story in the years since survivors came forward to tweet #MeToo and more have felt empowered to speak out regarding their experiences. Following the conviction in Los Angeles in December 2022, a victim identified as Jane Doe shared that "Harvey Weinstein forever destroyed a part of me that night ... I hope Weinstein never sees the outside of a prison cell during his lifetime."

RAINN: 'Tonight We Celebrate Their Courage and Strength'

While Weinstein remains publicly remorseless and vows to pursue legal action to appeal and demonstrate his innocence, the Los Angeles district attorney lauded the victims and survivors for their courage in coming forward. President and founder of RAINN Scott Berkowitz echoed these sentiments in a release regarding the court case's outcomes: "While many will reflect on how this verdict is another significant chapter in Harvey Weinstein's history as a sexual predator tonight, RAINN is reflecting on the significance of how many women are coming forward to tell their stories about Harvey Weinstein.

"Tonight, we celebrate their courage and strength. RAINN is here - 24 hours, 7 days a week - to offer confidential support to anyone seeking it."

The fight for justice for survivors of sexual violence is ingrained in RAINN's DNA. The nonprofit organization is the nation's largest anti-sexual violence organization. Partnering with more than 1,000 other organizations across the country, RAINN serves communities as a resource by operating the National Sexual Assault Hotline as well as a number of help lines for corporations and organizations nationwide. Since its inception in 1994, RAINN has helped 4 million survivors with programs, advocacy, and support for victims of sexual abuse crimes. Victim services are provided in large part by staff who undergo extensive training to be able to provide support to those who reach out in dire times of need through confidential channels including phone, email, and online chat.

RAINN also remains active when it comes to advocacy and public policy. Commenting on cases like Weinstein's and making sure that those reading the news are aware of RAINN's services is an essential component of public education, as are programs designed to change the way Americans think about sexual violence prevention and recovery. RAINN regularly reacts to current events in the news that bring attention to these crimes and highlights ways that victims and their loved ones can receive assistance starting with the National Sexual Assault Hotline at (800) 656-HOPE (4673). The organization also participates in the creation and advocacy of laws and regulations that can help make communities safer for everyone.

The RAINN Speaker's Bureau is a unique program that empowers a network of about 4,000 survivors to share their experiences with their communities and the media. These initiatives can help other victims of similar sexual abuse and crimes to come forward to receive assistance and make changes in their lives for the better. In collaboration with a variety of private and public corporations, RAINN has created a network of resources and programs that provide high-quality, anonymous, and confidential intervention services that can be lifesaving and life changing for those in need.