Expert Osteopath Believes Massage Chairs Are Perfect for Providing On-Demand Massages
(Photo : Engin Akyurt via Unsplash)

Osteopath Paige Kern believes that massage chairs are perfect for providing on-demand massage therapy. These chairs provide the right amount of comfort and care you might need to get yourself through the day. The variation in prices also makes these chairs affordable to the common people. So, you can now have massage chairs at home in your bedroom or living room. 

Can I Have a Massage Chair in My Bedroom or Replace My Existing Couche with Them?

Yes, you can have a massage chair at home in your bedroom or use it to replace your couch or sofa. These days, massage chairs are not just functional but stylish and elegant. The massage chair collection at showcases some of the most advanced and luxurious massage chairs available in the market. These massage chairs are made using the finest materials and will enhance how your house looks from the inside. 

On top of that, they are compact and take up very little space. So, you can place them almost anywhere you like. 

What Health Benefits Do Massage Chairs Provide?

Massage chairs provide plenty of health benefits. Among them, some of the major ones are discussed below.

Reduces Stress and Anxiety

Studies show that after a massage session on a massage chair, blood pressure and cortisol levels go down. It takes them only 10 to 15 minutes to reach a relaxed state. Under such circumstances, you'll notice that you're feeling less anxious. Your stress levels will also go down, letting you feel much calmer and stable. 

Improves Blood Circulation

Massage chairs target your body's key pressure points. That allows your blood circulation to become more steady and regulated. As the chair does its job, you'll start feeling relaxed. That's because the blood flow in your body becomes more steady and doesn't clot anywhere. 

With improved blood circulation, your body starts recovering much faster. The stiffness you may have accumulated throughout the day will slowly die down. You'll then feel your muscles relaxing and your head becoming a lot lighter. 

Regulated blood flow also helps eliminate toxins from your body. It also produces endorphins that fight pain and stress. Massage chairs that provide zero-gravity positioning are the best for improving your blood circulation. 

Loosens Sore Muscles

Another advantage of using a massage chair is that it loosens your sore muscles. So, when you're coming home after an active day outdoors, you can sit yourself down on your massage chair and relax. The chair's default settings will work and help relax sore and tired muscles. In doing so, your body will start feeling less stiff and eventually feel much lighter.

Relieves Body Pain and Headaches

As the massage lowers your cortisol levels and loosens your muscles, your body pain starts to disappear. The regulated blood circulation further helps get rid of headaches. Studies show that massage therapy increases serotonin levels by 28% on average. That's more than enough to get you in a stress-free state.

Improves Flexibility

Thanks to your now loose muscles, you'll no longer feel stiff. That means you get back your body's natural flexibility and can also get back to work after a short session on your massage chair. 

Improves Sleep Quality

Low-stress levels and a body free from pain guarantee a good sleep. That's something you'll notice if you have used massage chairs before. Sitting in one of these chairs almost instantly makes people drowsy. That means the chair is working perfectly, and your body is slowly feeling less anxious and stressed out, making you feel relaxed and sleepy.

Is a Massage Chair an Alternative to Professional Help?

As osteopath Paige Kern mentions, a massage chair can never be an alternative to professional help. You can't trace back to the root of your stress or body aches when using a massage chair. Besides, the chair might fail to give you the comfort you need if you're not seated on it properly.

A professional osteopath is better suited to help you with specific muscle-related problems. You can tell them about the exact point in your body that hurts, and they can promptly take necessary actions. When you compare their actions to that of a massage chair, the latter only performs in a generic manner. It can't pinpoint the exact problem. However, a professional can do that, which is why a massage chair can never be an alternative to the care they provide.

Despite that, you can't deny that a massage chair saves you time and can at least provide instant care when you need it. Plus, given how tiring a day can get, these chairs will always be ready to relieve your stress at home.