Fear the Walking Dead has just ended its second season, which brings us to the need of having to see if the TV series was really that bad. The thought of having a spinoff from the much-loved TV Series, The Walking Dead, was a fairly creative thing to do.

It shows us the early days when the zombie outbreak was still in its infancy. This was the time when Rick was still in a coma inside the hospital.

Here are the reasons as to why Fear the Walking Dead failed in many areas:

Reason #1: Unending Conflicts

The Fear the Walking Dead TV series was a lot of fun, but then again, too much of something is not good. The series showed us a series of unending conflicts that rises one after another.

Yes, something gets solves, but after a few moments, another problem pops up again. It just ain't that realistic anymore.

Reason #2: Unlikable Characters

Yes, this is true, but not for everyone. Travis improved his character as soon as the season ended, but then again, this is an isolated case. Regarding the rest of the characters, everything gets worse.

The good ones suddenly shift sides becoming more inclined to the dark side of things. The supposedly lovable characters now turn into a hot of bad characters in the general perspective.

Reason #3: Unnecessary Lengthy Season

Splitting up the season into two was a totally unnecessary action. Why? It is because the zombie apocalyptic world is across our screen throughout the year, and this isn't a healthy sign.

The more consistent we see it, the more likely we get sick of it. We need to refrain from it happening.

As what the song says, everybody really needs a little time away. Fear the Walking Dead follows the same pattern.