Earlier this week YouTube personality Nicole Arbour made headlines when she released a video called "Dear Fat People." In the video Arbour said that fat-shamming was "not a thing" and made fun of people who are plus-sized. Model Chrissy Teigen responded to Arbour's comments and had a thing or two to tell the YouTube "comedian."

"Yes, Nicole, there is such a thing as fat-shaming. And you're doing it right now," she told People Now in an interview.

Teigen went on to explain that the attention on Arbour was a Catch-22, according to Marie Claire. "We've just given her this platform to feel like her opinion does matter, and so no matter if we're talking negatively about it or positively, she's winning," Teigen said. "So that's the worst part about it. Also, why just be mean unnecessarily?"

Since the entire backlash happened, Arbour came out and said she refused to apologize for her insensitive video that she called "satire."

"I feel it's really important that we make fun of everybody," she told Time. "I think [what] brings us together and unites us as people is that we can poke fun at all of us."

Arbour did not see her comments as being mean or bullying but as a radical form of truth-telling.

Check out Teigen's full response to Arbour's "Dear Fat People" video below.