A new study shows that engaging children in learning activities from a young age, choosing a proper preschool and giving a child a proper diet rich with fish oil supplements can help boost their IQ.
A child's first few years are very crucial in the development of his or her brains. Now, researchers from the NYU Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and Human Development have found that providing a child with a good diet filled with fish oil supplements, engaging the child in regular reading activities and choosing a good preschool or daycare for the child is very crucial and helps increase a child's intelligence levels.
"Our aim in creating this database is to learn what works and what doesn't work to raise people's intelligence," said John Protzko, a doctoral student at the NYU Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and Human Development. "For too long, findings have been disconnected and scattered throughout a wide variety of journals. The broad consensus about what works is founded on only two or three very high-profile studies."
"The larger goal here is to understand the nature of intelligence, and if and how it can be nurtured at every stage of development," said Aronson, Protzko's advisor. "This is just a first step in a long process of understanding. It is by no means the last word. In fact, one of the main conclusions is how little high quality research exists in the field and how much more needs to be done."
The study also stated that educational activities performed by children from an early age can work wonders in enhancing a child's IQ levels. This happens because the child is exposed to different environments and this stimulated a better cognitive development in the child. However, the study doesn't clarify whether the same applies for all children across different socioeconomics.