Grenada County Circuit Clerk Linda Barnette has issued marriage licenses in Grenada County, Miss. for 24 years. On Tuesday, she resigned and in a letter to the board of supervisors, Barnette announced her resignation, citing the Supreme Court's decision to legalize same-sex marriage, The Clarion-Ledger reports.

"I am a follower of Christ and I believe strongly that the Bible is my final authority," she wrote. "The Bible teaches that a marriage is to be between a man and a woman. Therefore, because of the recent ruling of the U.S. Supreme Court, I can no longer fulfill my duties as Circuit Clerk and issue marriage licenses to same sex couples."

Barnette isn't the first person whose job and religion has put them at odds with the Supreme Court's ruling. A woman in Denton County recently denied various couples their marriage licenses blaming it on their system, and a woman in Arkansas resigned from her post for the very same reason Barnette did.

More recently, a South Dakota County Clerk upset over same-sex marriage said, "I'm just going to marry my dog."  

Grenada County voter Lue Harbin said she is disappointed in Barnette's decision. She said she has voted for Barnette in every election since she got out of the Army in 2001.

"I was kind of shocked, I don't know her personally but I never thought she was that way," Harbin said. "She's given marriage licenses to people who have committed adultery and stolen and lied, and when their parents haven't approved... it's just crazy the way she's thinking. That's her job and she's not there to judge people."

Another worker has been appointed to replace Mrs. Barnette. It's unclear if Grenada County will hold a special election to permanently fill the elected post, FOX News Radio reports.