Justin Bieber met 7-year old Millie Flamm who had to sell her tickets to Bieber's concert Saturday night in Salt Lake City after she relapsed due to her Lukemia two weeks ago, reports the Deseret News.
Flamm has been fighting Leukemia for three years and, due to her illness, couldn't see Bieber perform. Concerned family member and friends started a campaign and was supported by thousands of people to encourage Bieber to meet his young fan, according to the Deseret News.
Millie's mother, Amanda Flamm was not sure if the singer would come to see her daughter. Amanda reported Millie was running a fever and was on oxygen and thought she wouldn't be able to meet Bieber.
"All of a sudden it pulled through and we were able to do a really intimate little meeting with just her and us and Justin and it was incredible and he was so sweet to her," Amanda said. "He walked in and her whole face just lit up, and she turned around and hugged her dad, and then he ran over and came next to her and gave her a big hug."
Bieber sang the young brave fan's favorite song, "Baby," as he held her hand and also gave her his guitar pic.
"She is squeezing on to it with all her might and will not let it go," Amanda said.
Bieber also kissed the young one on her cheek before leaving and Millie told her mother "'you are never going to wash my face again,'" reported the Deseret News.
"I have no words," Amanda told the Desert News. "There is no way to say thank you to everybody who helped make this happen. I have no words but thank you, and that's not enough."
Amanda believes the magical meeting with help in her daughter's recovery.
"It just has re-energized all of us. We are ready to keep going and fight harder with all this backing and this fun thing that has happened today, and keep going and keep fighting."
Bieber shared a photo of him comforting Millie on his lap and wrote: "Look at this bundle of joy.. I love her."