(Photo : How to Create Bio QR Code for all Your Social Media Pages?)

As convenient as social media is when creating new connections between users across the world, various connectivity limitations are still imposed by a few known social media networks like Instagram, Twitter, and more. 

One known limitation that these social media networks impose is the one link embedding to a user's profile. And for some who are active in using multiple social media platforms at once, this restriction can be a huge bummer for increasing their social media circle online. 

With this limitation, brands and social media influencers can't increase their network traffic and engagements. 

To resolve this issue, smart brands and influencers are utilizing the use of a link in bio software to place in the social media accounts that restrict the multiple links embedding in their profile bio. 

But before you dive into the use of a link in bio software, you must first learn what inspired the software is all about and how they work.

What is a link in bio social media QR code?

A link in bio is a clickable URL that is usually found in a brand or user's profile. The link that is usually placed in the profile description can either lead someone to their main website or link to the product they are promoting on their platform. 

With the restriction that most social media networks made in their link in bio, various technology enthusiasts are tweaking the link in bio system of it and make one link for various links software as a solution for them. 

In today's current one link for all provision, the company Linktree was able to offer a concrete solution for brands and users. But in terms of its long term usage, and various customizations, these link providers falls short, which is not great to use at all. 

With Linktree's shortcomings, various one link for all alternatives is introduced on the internet. 

But with all of the alternatives introduced, one alternative that offers the same link and QR code stood out for brands and users to try out. 

What is a link in bio QR code?

A link in bio QR code is a type of QR code solution that houses all of a brand or user's social media or business links in one QR code. This type of QR code solution has another name such as the social media QR code solution. 

It is a type of QR code that enables a user to insert all their social media handles and shop or product links, customize its landing page and QR code design. With most people today knowing how to scan a QR code, the use of a link in bio QR code is a great marketing tool to use to be up with the trend and more. 

How to create a link in bio QR code?

When creating a link in bio QR code, you must first secure all your social media profile links you want to place in the link. In securing your links, you can open the webpage of the social media networks you are in and log in to it. Click your profile and copy the corresponding link to it. 

You can save all your profile and shop links in a note application and follow these simple steps. 

1. Open and Sign Up for a QR code generator with logo online. 

2. Select the Social Media Icon, edit the landing page and place the links on the dedicated boxes. 

If the links you have are not present in the sample boxes, you can always add some boxes by choosing the wide array of social media and business logos supported in the bottom part of the social media editor.

3. Click the generate your dynamic QR code button

4. Customize your QR code output design

5. Run a test scan

6. Download and deploy your QR code online and offline. 


With every restriction encountered in an application or social media networks like Instagram and Twitter, tech enthusiasts always come up with a quick yet comprehensive solution to it. 

Taking link embedding limitations as one of the issues they resolve, brands and influencers can now integrate the use of a link in bio solution. 

To make it more intuitive, social media influencers can integrate the use of a QR code generator online to create their own high-tech link in bio and pioneer the scan-to-follow movement for their followers and customers.