(Photo : The COVID Effect When It Comes to Moving)

There is no question that the COVID-19 pandemic has affected people all across the country in many different ways. Whether it is from a health, lifestyle, or even career standpoint, there are very few people who have been able to continue on as normal, untouched by the pandemic and its ripple effects. One trend that the pandemic has sparked is an increase in moving, and this is a trend being seen in big cities as well as smaller towns across the country. But what is fueling this trend, and what cities/towns are proving to be popular for in-bound new residents? Let's take a closer look.

Why Are People Moving?

While the trends and statistics don't lie, it may leave you wondering what the big push is; why are so many people moving in the middle of a pandemic? The answer isn't a matter of just one reason, rather it is a bunch of reasons prompting people to pack up and move. Among the most popular is the desire to downsize both in size and costs. 

This past year has created a lot of instability in terms of jobs and income, so it may be necessary to downsize a mortgage and move to a less expensive area. Then there is the exodus that some of the big cities are experiencing where people want to basically get away from the crowds and make it easier on themselves to socially distance and stay safe. The pandemic has also caused an increase in the amount of people working from home, which means you no longer need to live close to your work.

Where Should You Move?

If you've been thinking of moving in response to the pandemic, and you're open to moving out of state, there are some top cities worth considering. These are proving to be very popular with "in-flows" or people moving to the city. These cities include:

  • Nashville, TN

  • Phoenix, AZ

  • Denver, CO

  • Austin, TX

  • Seattle, WA

  • Tampa, FL

  • Charleston, SC

  • Dallas, TX

On the flipside, there are cities that are losing residents at a fairly steady pace during the pandemic and these include such big ones as:

  • New York City, NY

  • Pittsburg, PA

  • Chicago, IL

  • Boston, MA

  • San Francisco Bay Area, CA

Keep in mind that if you're moving out of state, it can be helpful to have your car professional transported for you. This can be especially handy if you are multi-car household. You can then drive one car to the new state, while shipping the other. You can click here for more information on transporting vehicles across states.

What Will Happen When the Pandemic Ends?

The next logical question is whether or not this trend will continue, and if it may reverse. Many see the vaccines as a way out of the pandemic, and while much of the adult U.S. population will likely be vaccinated by mid to late 2021, that doesn't mean the pandemic is over and no longer poses an issue. At this point there are a lot of unknowns, and for now it doesn't look like the moving trends will be slowing down any time soon.

With so many people packing up and moving, it may be time to consider it yourself, especially if you had plans of moving in the future.