(Photo : 11 Tips for Keeping Kids Healthy During School)

It seems like once children start to attend school, they're always getting sick. Going to school means that your child will be exposed to a host of germs from other kids, so it's best to have a way to prevent them from getting ill as much as possible. When you're worried about your child's health, here are eleven tips to keep your kid healthy during school.

Keep Them Up-To-Date On Vaccinations

Ensuring that your child gets all necessary vaccinations before attending school is one of the easiest ways to keep them healthy during primary and secondary school. It's also a great idea to get them an annual flu shot since that can help protect them from falling ill as well. If you're worried about costs, you can find health insurance with iSelect in order to get the best deal possible.

Make Sure They Wash Their Hands

Proper hygiene goes a long way and keeping your child healthy. Teach them the right way to wash their hands with soap and warm water, and pack a small hand sanitizer in their backpack, too, to make it easy for them to always have clean hands.

Clean Toys They Borrow Or Use To Play With Others

Speaking of hygiene, it's always a good idea to wash any toys that get shared between kids, too. If you've been lent some stem toys for kids from another parent as a way to keep your kid on top of their schoolwork, that's great. Just make sure that you wipe down any toys made of hard plastic that could be carrying germs.

Boost Your Child's Immune System

Keeping your kid's immune system doesn't need to require immune supplements. That being said, it may be worth adding some Zarbee's Naturals to a glass of water for your kid if they start to seem under the weather.

Make Sure They Sleep

One natural way to boost your child's immune system is to make sure that they get enough sleep. Setting a consistent sleep schedule and enforcing it can do your kid a world of good while others are getting sick.

Don't Let Them Share Food

Even if they're tempted to share with a friend at lunchtime, sharing food is an easy way to transmit germs. It's also a risk for kids with allergies, so it's best for your child to eat what was packed for them.

Let Them Know To Keep Things Out Of Their Nose, Mouth, And Ears

Although it can be hard to instill in children, keeping their fingers and other objects out of their ears, nose, and mouth actually goes a long way in keeping them healthy. Besides that, it's not polite to pick at those parts of the body in public, so it's a good lesson to share.

Help Lower Their Stress

If your kid is stressed, their immune system is weakened. As a result, it's vital that you help them understand that schoolwork, while important, isn't worth overworking themselves over. Sleep, a good diet, and exercise all go a long way in helping to reduce stress, as does having good friends.

Keep Them Active

Even in the winter, it's crucial that your children play outside or get some other form of physical activity. Staying active helps keep your child's body strong and healthy, and can reduce stress, too. All of these are factors that improve their health.

Feed Them Healthy Things

Proper nutrition goes a long way in giving your child the energy and nutrients they need in order to stay healthy and build a strong immune system. Make sure that your kids stay involved in planning their meals and snacks, and search online for food tips if you feel like you're at a loss. Keep in mind that breakfast is even more important for kids than adults because it gives them the energy boost they need to stay focused during the school day.

Don't Overload Their Backpack

Muscular problems can start to develop at an early age, and overloading a child's backpack with heavy books can really be detrimental for the neck, back, and spine health. If your child needs to transport heavy loads in their backpack, consider getting them a rolling backpack or a Back-T-Pack to better distribute weight.