After months of competition and rumors Microsoft and PlayStation have both announced the prices for their respective next generation console's gaming controllers and, luckily for people who have made up their mind, the two will cost the same.

According to CNET, several pre-order pages both official to the companies as well as Amazon and the like are listing the controllers at $59.99.  Both companies are expected to release the consoles sometime in November, just in time for the holiday season, the pricing of the controllers has been long anticipated by consumers and the price tag seems appropriate, or at least on par, with the specifications of each controller and the normal price range of next generation handhelds upon launch. Sony's PlayStation 4 is currently priced at $399.99 and Microsoft's Xbox One is priced a bit higher at $499.99. In addition to controllers, Microsoft will be releasing a Play and Charge Kit that, with the controller, will bring the price up to $74.99. If users would like to purchase a headset to chat with friends or make new friends online in games, an Xbox One Chat Headset will cost $24.99.

Users of the two consoles will find themselves paying the $60 price for two very different controllers. While they both share the same button layouts as their predecessors, however, there have been some changes and updates. Sony's DualShock 4 featues an all-new TouchPad to offer gamers an option to incorporate touch controls into the gaming experience. Imagine a world where a game character hacks a computer and the player gets to use a regular track pad on his or her controller in order to navigate the screen.

Meanwhie, the big feature with Microsoft's Xbox One controller is the innovation of Impulse Triggers. According to the official website, these are motors in the new finger triggers at the top of the handset that bring "weapons, crashes and jolts to life for a whole new level of gaming realism."

Those interested can check out some of the retailers mentioned above and pre-order their controller today.