The Xbox One, despite not even being released to the public yet, is already doing well in sales according to its maker.

Preorders for the next generation gaming console, which debuted at this year's E3 conference, have already surpassed that of its predecessor, the Xbox 360 during its prelaunch months. Microsoft has reported the upcoming console has officially been sold out at most of its major U.S. retailers. This is a big win for the company as most people weren't speaking too favorably about the Xbox One following its debut at E3 as a result of some of its more restrictive restrictions. However, the company has since reversed its policy on a lot of the controversial features of the game and has made it more appealing to consumers by doing so.

However, this is not to say that the Xbox 360 was or is underperforming in any way. In fact, for the 30th month in a row, the 360 was the top-selling console in the United States. Last month, consumers reportedly purchased 140,000. The amount of total spending on the Xbox 360 console reached $197 million in June of this year, including hardware, software and accessories, according to research firm NPD. These sales numbers are higher than any other console on the market.

It appears the Xbox One was undeterred by the public relations backlash that came from its presentation at E3. Meanwhile, according to CNET, the rest of the gaming isn't faring so well. Sales of video game hardware fell to $142 million last month. While that sounds like a lot, it's down 30 percent from this time last year in 2012. Sales of videogames raked in at $296 million, down only ten percent from the same month last year.

The saving grace of the industry seems to be in popular titles. Naughty Dog's latest hit "The Last of Us" was the top selling game retail in the month of June, according to NPD researchers. This marked the second highest first-month sales of any PS3 first-party game, trumped only by "God of War 3."