Google finally took the wraps off the next version of its Android operating system, 4.3, at a press event on Wednesday in San Francisco. Although its got some new features, it isn't the revolutionary redesign that people were hoping for after seeing Key Lime Pie, Android 5.0, at Goolge I/O in May.

For the most part, the update to the operating system isn't a huge game changer for Android, which makes sense since 4.3 is still a version of Jelly Bean, however, it does have a few worthwhile new additions.

Multi-User Restricted Profiles: Although Android has offered users the ability to have multiple profiles since Android 4.2.2, never has it given users the ability to place restrictions on profiles. The people who will benefit from this the most are obviously families with children. Tablets have become a great tool for kids, allowing them to take part in educational programs as well as child-friendly games. However, their activity on a tablet device can't be constantly monitored and, as a result restrictions make it possible for a parent to place a tablet or smartphone in a child's hands and not have to worry about him or her finding something unsavory on the Internet or accessing an application for adults.

Open GL ES 3.0: This is Android's wink to gamers on the system. With so many new gaming systems preferring the os, like Ouya and the like, many people are thrilled to see Google taking a step toward graphics. The new feature makes Android more efficient at displaying graphics. In a demo showed by Google at the press event, the company showed off impressive textures, lens flares and reflections that trump anything on previous Android operating systems.

Bluetooth Smart Technology: This one wasn't a surprise, especially since iOS has had Bluetooth Smart Technology since early 2012. Android now allows users to connect with the next generation of accessories that function on the Bluetooth Smart platform. What this means is more accessories but less strain on your Android device's battery life.

According to CNET, the update also came with Bluetooth AVRCP 1.3 support, which lets your device now transmit metadata like a song's title and artist via Bluetooth controllers.

Notification Access: This feature allows developers to access the data stream that sends notification icons and badges to your Android device with your blessing that is. According to ZDNet, developers can register notification listener services that will receive all data notifications when they're displayed in the status bar. Developers can then launch applications and services under a new "smart app."