There's a crazy theory going around about Oswald Cobblepot aka The Penguin (played by Robin Lord Taylor) on Fox's "Gotham." It hasn't been revealed just yet whether Cobblepot will become the Penguin but there are endless clues hinting that that's the direction the show is going in.

However, a Reddit user has a different theory and believes Cobblepot will actually become The Joker. Before you dismiss the rumor, check out the explanation below.

It is well established in the comic that The Penguin's real name is Oswald Cobblepot. But it is just as well established that the Penguin is short and fat. Now he could gain weight, but he's not going to lose height. He also has a long beak like nose. And this guy does not have a long beak like nose.

What about the fact that people keep saying he walks like a penguin or looks like a penguin. This is a red herring. Penguin is a master thief. He's not a cold blooded murderer. And this guy is a cold blood murderer.

He kills the kid who says he looks like a penguin after he's almost drowned.

He kills the guy who recognizes him after he's supposed to have drowned.

He kills a guy for his shoes and his dishwashing job.

He kills three guys with poison cannoli.

Yes he has an umbrella but he hasn't shown any interest in birds. The Penguin loves birds. And he's a master burglar. This guy is a gangster. Was Penguin even a gangster?

The Reddit user thinks Taylor's character will actually become The Joker but in the comics The Joker's real name is not Oswald Cobblepot. The user has a theory for that too.

Oswald Cobblepot is supposed to be dead. He knows that with such an unusual name it's bound to get back to Fish Mooney that someone named Oswald Cobblepot is still in Gotham. So he hires a short fat kid to go around telling people his name is Oswald Cobblepot. This kid idolizes the Joker so he does everything he can to be more like him. He dresses like him, he walks like him, he carries an umbrella just like him.

To hide his true identity, the real Oswald takes on the identity of The Joker.

What do you think of this theory? Does Robin Lord Taylor's character act more like The Joker?