Bungie developers are working on a new way for gamers to experience Raids in their “Destiny” title.

Community manager Deej updated Bungie’s blog regarding the future updates. Developers are aware fans would like matchmaking systems for private Raids, but it’ll be a while before it happens.

"The Raid was designed for solid teams of killers who have made a commitment to solve a dense and explosive riddle," Deej wrote. "Most of the raiding parties who have emerged victorious from the Vault of Glass have sworn that one weak link would have doomed their chain.

“There have been other stories, of course. We’ve heard tell of Guardians who met each other just outside the door that leads into that vault. Strange tales have reached our ears - tales of total strangers who have banded together to see the Raid all the way through to a triumphant finale.”

Deej claimed he would like to see private matches in the title and there have be multiple discussions about the topic during Bungie meetings. The community manager encourages players to keep leaving feedback about the title on message boards.

"Those stories surprise us, but the players of our games always have,” the community manager wrote. “The best I can do to answer your question is to let you know that you’ve been heard.

“We’re having conversations about how Matchmaking might support the more challenging activities in Destiny. It’s a start. Keep sounding off about it, and maybe someday some matchmade Fireteam mates will hear you, too."

For more information regarding the private matches and updates to “Destiny”, check out Bungie’s official blog here.