EA has launched their “Battlefield 4” Fall Patch with promises of massive updates for the title.

The developers have made tweaks to game modes, player movement, mechanics, weapon attachments and more. The update is available for both the PlayStation and Xbox platforms.

“Our focus for the Fall Patch on the CTE (Community Test Environment) has been to stabilize and finalize the build and this has meant less updates than normal,” EA wrote on the “Battled Field” blog. “We’d like to thank you all for your patience during this time – we appreciate you sticking in there.”

Check out a snippet from the list of Fall Patch updates to the system below. For more information regarding the update, visit the official “Battlefield” website here.

1. Game modes
 - Rush (All base game maps except Dawnbreaker), Obliteration, Capture the Flag, and Carrier Assault. Added the Obliteration Competitive sub-game mode

2. Sight Improvements
 - Close & Medium range sight reticles no longer affected by weapon firing animation, AKA “Visual Recoil”
- Improved visibility for red glowing reticule pieces against bright backgrounds

3. Player Movement
 - Now almost identical to BF3 movement – with BF4 animation sets
- Dampened third person hit reactions for player head

4. HUD clarification pass
 - De-cluttered and made customizable a plethora of HUD options to make BF4 look the way you want it to (within reason)

5. Revive mechanic
 - Made revives much more robust, easier to understand with new UI art and included a new “fully charged” paddle sound.

6. Weapon attachment changes
 - Muzzle Brake: Reduced the overall impact of this attachment. Both its positives and negatives have been reduced
- Heavy Barrel: Lowered the buff it gave to minimum moving spread and moved some of that bonus into reduced spread increase. Should be a good option for longer range tap firing
- Lasers: Small buff to standing hip-fire accuracy